How should the concrete on the building template be removed
Shandong building diaphragm plate manufacturer in the process of building construction, the building template in the middle reaches the phenomenon that the concrete adhesion cannot be removed. Why does the concrete on the building template stick to the template, and then how to deal with it?
There are two basic reasons for this:
First, it is too early to remove the mold, and the concrete has not completely solidified.
Second, the late removal of the mold caused the concrete to stick together with the stubble or damaged areas on the template.
Treatment method:
1. Control the time of mold removal after concrete casting
Generally, it is not a large-volume or long-span beam structure. After 24h of the present weather, the large volume of concrete is removed for 72h.
2. It is forbidden to use waste templates
In using the new template, if can use the old template to repair the damaged parts of the template, it is recommended to use good quality and durability of the template, such as Ming template reuse more than 8 times, breakage rate is low.
3. Use the demoulding agent before using the template
Template that has been used in the next before use to remove residues of concrete on the template, clean up, and before each use template besmear to brush a layer of mold release agent (also can be generally used new oil).
4. Timely curing of concrete that has already coagulated and has not been removed.
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