How to judge the accuracy of building diaphragm plate splicing?
How to judge the assembling precision of building diaphragm plate? What aspect is its assembling precision embodied in?
(building diaphragm)
1. Joint sewing. The assembly precision of building diaphragm plate is reflected in the size of joint between two templates.
2. Difference in height. The assembly precision of the building diaphragm plate is reflected in the difference between two adjacent templates.
3. Flatness. The assembly precision of the building diaphragm plate is reflected in the flatness above the template.
4. Dimensional deviation. The assembly precision of the building diaphragm plate is reflected in the size deviation of the template plane.
Building film face plywood manufacturers in the assembly should be in strict accordance with the template match board when assembled into a whole figure size, template assembly at the scene, to control good flat-fell seam between adjacent panel, set up two plate junction to clip, in case of slurry after assembling the template and the vertical pipe bundle with steel wire is firm, to maintain the integrity of the template.
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